Neighbourhood Planning

We offer a wide range of services in relation to Neighbourhood Planning. We can support you from the inception to the completion of your Neighbourhood Plan.

We have an experienced neighbourhood planning team who would be pleased to assist you with any of the following services:

  • Scoping reports (to advise on the scope of the Neighbourhood Plan and suggest appropriate policies)
  • Policy writing, advice and preparation
  • Advice to ensure your Neighbourhood Plan meets the ‘basic conditions’ and other statutory/legislative requirements
  • Evidence base research and preparation
  • Community engagement and statutory consultations
  • Advise and review regarding Design Codes
  • Working collaboratively with the Local Planning Authority
  • Project management and timescales
  • Clarifying questions received from the Examiner during the Independent Examination
  • Advising on best practice, including reviewing existing Independent Examiners decisions and recommendations
  • Advise on avenues for funding

Neighbourhood Plan production and reviews

As well as drafting policies and supporting text for your Neighbourhood Plan, we can provide all the statutory documents required to support your Neighbourhood Plan including:

  • Production of Neighbourhood Plan or Review of Neighbourhood Plan
  • Consultation statement
  • Basic condition statement
  • Modification Proposal Statement (for Neighbourhood Plan Reviews)


We can plan, undertake and attend community engagement exercises including community consultation, events and Regulation 14 (pre-submission) consultations.

We can also provide detailed analysis following consultation to advise on a number of areas including policy production.  

Click here to see an example of one of our Regulation 14 consultation webpages:

Representations regarding Neighbourhood Plans

We can also provide advice on the implications of policies and proposals included within Neighbourhood Plans. We can also provide representations to the Parish Council for (Regulation 14 Consultations) or Local Planning Authority (for Regulation 16 consultations and/or Local Plan representations).

External Links:

Get in Contact

Call us on 01344 508048
Or email us at