Planning Applications

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We can prepare and co-ordinate the submission of planning applications and can act as planning agent when negotiating with the Local Planning Authority. Making particular use of the experience of our staff who have previously worked in Local Authority, we can guide you through the whole process for developments of all scales, from house extensions to hundreds of new dwellings. This service also encompasses Certificate of Lawfulness and Prior Approval submissions where relevant to your particular development proposal.

Prior to this, we also recommend our Site Appraisal service where we can identify any preliminary constraints and formulate a strategy to provide you with the best prospect of success.

To see some of the Planning Application work we have undertaken, see our portfolio here.

Our involvement includes the following tasks as part of the process:

Pre-Submission Project Management

  • Liaising with your architect or draftsman, providing advice on plans;
  • Recommending and sourcing quotes for necessary professional reports;
  • Co-ordinating relevant professionals to prepare a suitable scheme;
  • Writing a Planning Statement supporting the scheme against planning policies and material planning considerations;
  • Including a Design and Access Statement (if necessary) into the Planning Report;
  • Providing advice on, and preparation of appropriate CIL forms required for submission;
  • Preparing application forms and handling the submission to the LPA;

Planning Application Submission

  • Dealing with Validation matters arising from submission;
  • Acting as liaison and point of contact with the LPA;
  • Weekly checks of LPA website during statutory consultation, to review and rebut objections and comments made;
  • Negotiate appropriate conditions to overcome any issues raised with the LPA;
  • Negotiate amendments to the proposals to avoid refusal (if appropriate to do so);
  • Liaise with instructed professional consultants to make agreed amendments, ready from submission to the LPA.

In support of the above, we also provide supplementary Affordable Housing Viability, Sequential Tests and CIL Strategy services where relevant or necessary to your proposal.

If you would like ET Planning to assist you in submitting a planning application to your LPA, please do not hesitate to get in touch on 01344 508048 or email us at

Get in Contact

Call us on 01344 508048
Or email us at