How ET Planning Championed a Homeowner’s Cause, Saving £20,000 in Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charges in Farnham
In the labyrinth of town planning and property development regulations, the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) emerges as a critical consideration for homeowners and architects embarking on construction projects. The CIL, designed to support the infrastructure needs of local authorities, can significantly impact the budget of any development project. This makes understanding and correctly applying CIL […]
ET Planning secure permission for 40 dwellings on behalf of Your Land Partner
Site : Land West of Silver Street, South Petherton LPA: South Somerset Proposed Development: Outline application for the demolition of single garage, and the erection of 40no dwellings (26 market & 14 affordable); considering access only, with all other matters reserved Client: Your Land Partners ET Planning on behalf of Your Land Partner have helped […]