Navigating Green Belt Development: Utilising the Greenbelt Development Toolkit

green belt toolkit

The recent government consultation on the revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) introduces significant changes to the planning system, especially regarding housing delivery targets and development in the Green Belt. For developers and local authorities, this brings both challenges and opportunities. At ET Planning, we have developed a comprehensive Green Belt Toolkit to help navigate […]

Need to unlock the development potential of your Green Belt site?

green belt toolkit

The recent government consultation on the revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) introduces significant changes to the planning system, especially regarding housing delivery targets and development in the Green Belt. For developers and local authorities, this brings both challenges and opportunities. At ET Planning, we have developed a comprehensive Green Belt Toolkit to help navigate […]

Redevelopment of sought after town centre site in Wycombe

Site: Albany House and Site of The Hillside Centre, Leigh Street and Upper Green Street, High Wycombe Client: Fortitude Investments Ltd Proposed development: “Partial demolition of existing commercial buildings and conversion of Albany House (use class B8) to create 25×1-bed and 22×2-bed flats (47 flats in total) (use class C3) and 881 sqm of commercial floorspace comprising 7xunits […]

ET Planning obtain approval for a development of 88 dwellings in Berkshire.

Site: Former Bracknell Town Football Club, Larges Lane, Bracknell, RG12 9AN Scheme: Outline application with matters of access, appearance, layout and scale to be determined for the erection of 24no. dwellinghouses and two residential apartment buildings comprising 64no. dwellings (88no. dwellings total) with associated access and parking, following demolition of existing dwelling and sports buildings. […]