Two HMO’s secure lawfulness in restricted area

Properties which have been operating as small House of Multiple Occupation (HMO) (use class C4) for many years, and prior to the introduction of the Article 4 Directive, may be immune from enforcement action and only require a Certificate of Lawfulness in order to be regularised. This was the advice that ET Planning recently gave […]

Retrospective permission for industrial business

Following discussions with Enforcement Officers at Wokingham Borough Council, an application was submitted for the use of a barn as B1c engineering operation.  The barn itself was firstly demonstrated to be lawful through the provision of historic aerial photographs, but the current use required the benefit of retrospective planning permission.  Working with Developers Land Surveys […]

New House in the Countryside

Following an enforcement investigation, I was appointed to assist Larkspur Equestrian establish the lawful use of a building as a dwelling.  Initial feedback to the Council was submitted in response to a Planning Contravention Notice, following which a formal application was submitted. The building in question had originally been an annexe to an adjacent dwelling, […]