How ET Planning Championed a Homeowner’s Cause, Saving £20,000 in Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charges in Farnham

In the labyrinth of town planning and property development regulations, the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) emerges as a critical consideration for homeowners and architects embarking on construction projects. The CIL, designed to support the infrastructure needs of local authorities, can significantly impact the budget of any development project. This makes understanding and correctly applying CIL […]

Challenging CIL Liability

A short video setting out the process to challenging a Community Infrastructure Liability (CIL) on a development following planning permission.

Self Build Exemptions for CIL

  In the video above, we outline the process of applying for Self Build Exemptions from Community Infrastructure Levy liabilities, when building your own dwelling. The self build exemption isn’t really about physically building a dwelling your self, although this is still possible. The exemption applies more the financing mechanism of how the development is […]

Action taken by ET Planning saves developer £40K

A developer in Wokingham has saved more than £40,000 after ET Planning spotted technical differences relating to CIL (Community Infrastructure Levy) liabilities between different planning application types. The developer had previously received planning permission for three new build properties in the Wokingham area. As development took place, one of the three properties had a ground floor […]