Tactical switch scores planning goal


Tactical switch scores planning goal

There are occasions in football history where a manager has had to make a tactical decision in order to change the game and the end result.

Sandhurst Town Football Club are no strangers to tactical decisions like this one. In fact, they recently made one when they brought ET Planning in to support them in detailed negotiations with the local council regarding their submitted planning application; in the hope that this would change the game and the end result.

This application was for the redevelopment of their site in Sandhurst, Bracknell Forest. 2020 has been a particularly challenging time for organised sports, and this redevelopment investment will ensure the long-term operation of the club.

The submitted proposal was for a new 3G pitch, 120 seater spectator stand, floodlighting system, turnstile entrance and new team shelters.

However, upon submitting the application the Council raised various initial concerns particularly relating to significant constraints on the site included being in a Flood Zone 3 area, lying adjacent to an SSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest) and challenges with a shared access route.

Any or all of these challenges could have hindered the planning application but ET Planning entered into detailed negotiations with the Council, working through each of the constraints with a support team of expert consultants. This undoubtedly changed the game and the application for the redevelopment of the site was approved under delegated powers; enhancing the facilities at this popular and important community facility and ensuring its future for future players and local clubs.

If you need expert support to change the game for your planning application, please contact our Planning Team today and we would be happy to discuss your case.

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