In the video above, we outline the process of applying for Self Build Exemptions from Community Infrastructure Levy liabilities, when building your own dwelling.
The self build exemption isn’t really about physically building a dwelling your self, although this is still possible. The exemption applies more the financing mechanism of how the development is being funded. This means you can still use professional contractors to help you build your home, but the funding is all coming from you as a private individual or family.
A really important point to recognise if you are intending to apply for a self build exemption, is to make sure you get confirmation of the exemption from the Charging Authority (normally your Local Council) BEFORE any work starts on site. Once development commences, if exemptions haven’t been agreed the opportunity to apply for an exemption is lost and the full liability will be due.
If you have arranged your exemption before starting development, the you must live in the property as your primary residence for at least 3 years before you sell or move – otherwise the full liability will be due. It’s also important that after 6 months following completion of the development (and move in) that you provide proof to the Charging Authority with a Self Build warranty or self build mortgage along with Form 9 Self Build Exemption Form.
All of the forms you need can be found here as well as National Guidance.
If you’d like some professional help with CIL and self build exemptions, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch, by calling our main office on 01344 508048 or the other details on our contact page.