Planning permission has been achieved for a windfall residential development of four properties, in the heart of Bracknell, thanks to ET Planning’s expertise.
The site
The new development will be situated on part of Ranelagh Playing Fields in Bracknell which will make great use of redundant land and provide new homes in a very desirable and sustainable location.
Four 4-bedroom dwellings comprising of a pair of semi-detached properties, with parking, will make up the development.
Principle of the windfall development
The site had not been previously allocated for housing, which meant that to achieve planning permission, ET Planning would need to evidence that the land was redundant, that the site was not being actively used for sports and that there was a sustainable housing need in the area.
With the site being located in relative proximity to the heart of Bracknell Town Centre and adjacent to other residential development, the principle of redeveloping the site for residential purposes was acceptable in line with Bracknell Forest Council’s CS2 policy of the Core Strategy.
Supporting arguments and relevant policies
As part of the planning statement, ET Planning provided evidence to show that the site had previously been legally separated from the main Ranelagh Playing Fields and as such has not formed part of them for at least 18 years.
In addition, ET Planning successfully undertook a consultation with Sport England to confirm that the site had never been formally laid out as a playing field, and that the new development would not impact the use of the remaining adjacent playing fields.
This new residential development makes efficient use of redundant land, brings about housing supply and protects the sporting facilities already established in the area.
Through careful pre-application discussions, consultations and negotiations ET Planning were able to effectively demonstrate and evidence that the proposed development would be acceptable. Furthermore, that the development would also contribute an appropriate windfall site to the Borough’s housing supply without adverse effect on the character of the area of the amenity of neighbouring residents.
Planning permission has since been granted – another fantastic result for the client.
If you have a site or plot of land which you believe would be ideal for development, do get in touch with the ET Planning team who will be able to discuss the options available to you.