Replacement home within the River Thames Green Belt approved


Replacement home within the River Thames Green Belt approved

A chalet-style house located on the eastern bank of the towpath to the River Thames will soon be replaced with a new, contemporary designed family home thanks to experienced and knowledgeable planning advice and carefully constructed architectural plans.

With the location of this property being situated in a Green Belt, where development is strictly controlled, and within a flood risk zone, where mitigation is required to satisfy the Environment Agency, ET Planning worked closely with RIBA award winning Fletcher Crane Architects to achieve a successful outcome for their client.

By having an understanding of how the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the Local Plan for Spelthorne Borough Council would influence this planning application, ET Planning used this learning to help shape the design plans, and also justify the proposed development as part of the planning application.

Paragraph 145 of the NPPF states that the construction of new buildings in the Green Belt is inappropriate, unless it falls within one of seven exceptions. The fourth exception point states, “the replacement of a building, provided the new building is in the same use and not materially larger than the one it replaces”. The Local Plan for Spelthorne Borough Council also states that the Council will only permit the rebuilding and extension of dwellings in the Green Belt where the proposal does not significantly change the scale of the original building, does not detract from the character of the area, is single storey with a low pitched roof and does not project towards the river further than the existing building or adjoining properties.

ET Planning was able to demonstrate to the council as part of the planning application that the proposal was in accordance with both the NPPF and the Local Plan. This included referencing the design of the proposed building which would remain as a single storey dwelling with a low profile pitched roof and that the design was also in keeping with the character and appearance of other properties within the local area.

The plans for the replacement dwelling were approved under delegated powers by Spelthorne Borough Council.

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