Redevelopment of sought after town centre site in Wycombe


Redevelopment of sought after town centre site in Wycombe

Site: Albany House and Site of The Hillside Centre, Leigh Street and Upper Green Street, High Wycombe

Client: Fortitude Investments Ltd

Proposed development: “Partial demolition of existing commercial buildings and conversion of Albany House (use class B8) to create 25×1-bed and 22×2-bed flats (47 flats in total) (use class C3) and 881 sqm of commercial floorspace comprising 7xunits (use class E), creation of 50 x car parking spaces, access from Leigh Street and Green Street, hard/soft landscaping and associated works’.

LPA: Bucks (Wycombe Area)

Following an engagement exercise with local residents and the LPA (through the pre-application process), ET Planning on behalf of Fortitude Investments Ltd have submitted an application for the redevelopment of this sought after town centre site for much needed housing in the centre of Wycombe. The planning case has centred around addressing the sites employment land designation, putting a non-designated heritage asset (within the Leigh Street Furniture Heritage Conservation Area) into a viable use, as well as addressing the sustainability of the sites location to provide much needed housing for the District. ET Economics have also supplied a Viability Assessment to support the application.

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