Nailed it! Nail bar and hair salon opens in Crowthorne


Nailed it! Nail bar and hair salon opens in Crowthorne

A new nail bar and hairdressers has opened April 1st 2019 thanks to recently approved plans that will see a redundant cycle shop on Duke’s Ride transformed into a stylish salon.

The two storey retail unit has been granted a change of use by Bracknell Forest Council, from Class A1 to mixed use so that a hairdressers, along with a nail bar, can be welcomed into the local shopping area.

The approval of the change of use of the premises ties in with the Core Strategy for the Council which describes retail units as hubs of the community and being an important part of community cohesion. The Strategy also discusses how these units have a valuable role to play in social inclusion.

In piecing together the planning application on behalf of the client, ET Planning focused on how the change of use supports economic growth and productivity, taking into account both local business needs and wider opportunities for development. ET Planning also reflected in the application that Paragraph 80 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states that planning policies and decisions should help create the conditions in which businesses can invest, expand and adapt.

ET Planning noted that the application supported the Council’s objectives to, where possible, protect against the creation of ‘dead frontages’ on unused retail units as this can lead to the fragmentation of local shopping areas.

ET planning concluded the application by also demonstrating that these plans constituted a sustainable, re-use of an existing vacant premises that would benefit the local community. The conversion works have been project managed by Creative Project Services.

The planning application was approved under delegated powers.

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