Expansion of travelling community site supports local supply plans


Expansion of travelling community site supports local supply plans

Private land in Wokingham now has planning permission for the reconfiguration of the site allowing for 8 pitches; offering a safe space to stay for anyone in the travelling community.

The Site Proposal

The site proposal, which will see the addition of 4 pitches to an existing 4-pitch caravan park, was supported by the local council predominately because it aligns with the Governments aims in respect of traveller sites. This being that there should be appropriate locations and an appropriate level of supply for the travelling community.

The proposals, which have now been approved by local committee, show that the existing site will not be expanded beyond the current boundaries but instead will be subdivided into 8 hardstanding pitches, each accommodating a static mobile home, touring caravan, day room, storage shed outbuilding and amenity space. Each pitch will have low fencing and new planting to create uniformity on the site.

Existing layout – drawing created by Martin Peacock Architectural Services Limited

Proposed site layout created by Martin Peacock Architectural Services Limited

As part of the decision making process council members were keen to visit the site to ensure it was large enough for the proposed number of pitches and also to ensure that there would not be a detrimental impact from noise or disturbance to local neighbours.

ET Planning’s Expertise In Play

As well as assuring the committee of the planning opportunity for this site as part of the application process, ET Planning were also able to highlight and demonstrate how this site would support previous assessments and directives made by the council. For example, Wokingham Borough Council published an Update Report for the Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) in September 2017 which suggested that additional supply was needed.

Additionally Paragraph 4 of the Planning Policy for Traveller Sites (PPTS) states that there is a requirement “to ensure that local planning authorities, working collaboratively, develop fair and effective strategies to meet need through the identification of land for sites… to promote more private traveller site provision whilst recognising that there will always be those travellers who cannot provide their own sites… and… to increase the number of traveller sites in appropriate locations with planning permission to address under provision and maintain an appropriate level of supply”.

ET Planning concluded that along with the supply need the site had already been permitted as a Gypsy and Traveller site since September 2009 and so it is now well established in the local area, making it the perfect site to provide the much needed supply.

Director of ET Planning, Emily Temple is well regarded as an experienced specialist in the complex area of planning that relates to Gypsy and Traveller sites. If you have an enquiry regarding such a site, Emily and the ET Planning team would be very happy to discuss this further with you.


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