ET Planning relocates to new offices as business continues to grow


ET Planning relocates to new offices as business continues to grow

New ET Planning offices

ET Planning have this week relocated to their new, refurbished offices in Crowthorne.

The new offices, based at 200 Dukes Ride in Crowthorne, will help to facilitate the growth of the business whilst helping to keep the business at the heart of the community it serves.

Being located in such a fantastic position, the ET Planning Team can continue to work with local homeowners, businesses and developers.

Founding Director Emily Temple with Office Dog Levi

Founding Director Emily Temple said: “We are thrilled to be relocating into an area that we know so well and whose residents and businesses we work so closely with. 

“We were quite deliberate with the location of our new offices as we wanted to stay part of the local community.

“It is a really exciting time for the ET Planning team and this move will undoubtedly help our small business to keep on growing”.

New meeting room facilities

The new offices, which have been excellently renovated by Creative Project Services, also have meeting room facilities which will be used to host a new series of training courses due to launch this Autumn by the ET Planning team.

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Planning Applications

Planning Enforcement

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)

Viability Assessment

Land Promotion

Sequential Tests

Planning Advice
