A developer has been able to make the best use of, and increase the potential value of, an existing two-storey building close to Luton Town Centre, thanks to ET Planning.
After a previous planning application for the redevelopment of a building into 29 serviced accommodation units (Class C1) was agreed by Luton Borough Council, the developer, along with ET Planning and architects KTech Technical Drawings, realised there could be even more development potential.
ET Planning justified that the new proposal for 37 C1 units, along with an open proposal for A1 retail or B1a office would add extra choice on the building use in this sustainable location, as well as provide additional short term accommodation to visitors.
With changes having been made to the plan in order to accommodate 37 C1 units, including adding an additional floor to the existing building, ET Planning, on behalf of the client, sought the Councils initial feedback on the development proposal through a pre-application enquiry.
Through the enquiry, it was identified that the design, scale and mass of the proposals did not appear to adversely affect the amenities of adjoining occupiers and so the development was acceptable in principle in this sustainable location.
Adding the optional A1 retail/B1a office space to the plans was also a key element of the revised plans as it will provide greater flexibility and opportunity for an active frontage of the building, which is situated within a commercial frontage.
After ET Planning successfully demonstrated that the development would make best use of the current site, the Council approved the revised plans under delegated powers.