Third time’s a charm for contemporary replacement family home application

Case Studies

Third time’s a charm for contemporary replacement family home application

A four-bedroom replacement house in the idyllic Finchampstead countryside has finally received planning permission after its owners worked with ET Planning to overcome numerous hurdles and ease Council concern.

Planning permission for the contemporary development was initially refused due to the Council’s complaints over the height of the proposed building, and the development’s effect on trees and protected species. The client then got in touch with ET Planning who was able to advise on ways to revise the application, rather than go through a lengthy and costly appeal.

To address the Council’s concerns of the effect of the development on trees and protected species, ET Planning encouraged the client to undertake a detailed tree and bat survey. The results of the surveys demonstrated that the trees could be retained and protected during the construction process, and the bats provided with new roost accommodation.

ET Planning also worked with Architects Day Tanner Partnership to revise development plans to include a basement which would then reduce the above ground built development and the spread of development across the site.

Although the council continued to raise concerns over the perceived height of the building, ET Planning then submitted comparison heights of the surrounding buildings to show that the replacement family home was in keeping with those in the local area. The full height glass window in the basement was also removed to reduce the perception.

The combination of revised plans and detailed surveys has led to a positive outcome, which will now see a family home transformed.

ET Planning encourages anyone who is struggling to receive planning permission to consider revising schemes and providing more evidence to further an application as this can often be submitted and approved in a much faster timescale than if an initial refusal was appealed. If you would like more information on this, please contact ET Planning

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