Stage 1 complaint resolves 15 month wait for planning approval

Case Studies

Stage 1 complaint resolves 15 month wait for planning approval

After a 15 month wait, planning approval has now been granted for a small scale housing redevelopment in Buckinghamshire thanks to swift advice and action taken by ET Planning.

The planning application for the redevelopment was originally submitted in April 2017 by a developer, but was still pending a decision in June of this year. After numerous emails to the local council, with few updates received on the progress of the application, the applicant got in touch with ET Planning.

ET Planning advised that a submission of complaint would be appropriate to try and conclude the matter directly with senior management at the council. ET Planning then submitted a formal Stage 1 complaint on the client’s behalf; stressing that the delay in approval was unacceptable and reminded the council that where a proposal accords with an up-to-date development plan it should be approved without delay, as required by the presumption in favour of sustainable development detailed in paragraph 11 of the National Planning Policy Framework. ET Planning also requested a full refund of the planning application fees be made to the client for the council’s failure to adhere to the Government’s Planning Guarantee.

After the council’s investigation, the application was swiftly granted, as requested, and the matter was found to be in favour of the client. A full refund of the application fees was also offered to the client in accordance with legislation for taking more than 26 weeks to determine the application.

The council addressed the reasons for the delay in progressing the application being as a result of multiple changes of Case Officer and workload and resource pressures within the department.

If you are awaiting planning approval and have not had a determination within 26 weeks from when you submitted your application, and would like support in resolving the case, please get in touch with ET Planning.

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