Retail to residential redevelopment in the heart of Godalming

Case Studies

Retail to residential redevelopment in the heart of Godalming

Redevelopment plans for a vacant and unused retail stock storage space have been approved enabling four new residential units to be created in the heart of Godalming.

The transition from a commercial space to a residential space has been carefully negotiated with the local council; ensuring that new housing opportunities are supplied to the area whilst maximising the efficiency of the site for the property owner and preserving the existing retail business.

The business currently operating out of the retail space has pivoted their offering during the Covid-19 pandemic, much like many other local businesses. The business no longer requires the amount of storage place currently available and so this created an opportunity for the property owner to make better use of the site.

The approved plans will now allow for the demolition of the existing stock storage space to the rear and in its place a second storey extension allowing for the creation of four residential flats with associated parking.

Whilst the site is located in a prime area in need of further housing supply, it also lies within a conservation area, an area of archaeological potential, Air Quality Monitoring Zone, a Primary Shopping Area and a Special Protection Area. This meant that a sensitive design was paramount to the success of the planning proposal. The development plans, created by MVL Architects, were also designed to be sympathetic to the neighbours, particularly with regards to any potential impact on overlooking and loss of light.

Daylight assessment created by MVL Architects

ET Planning prepared and submitted the planning proposals on behalf of their client and entered into detailed negotiations with the local council as part of their thorough assessment of the site.

Due to the special nature of the location of the site and to ease various concerns that were raised, a number of assessments were submitted alongside the planning proposal. This included a daylight assessment, a heritage statement, an archaeological statement, a plan to show how a vehicle could turn in the highway and bat survey of the existing building. 

With the plans now approved by committee, the redevelopment of this site can now start, all whilst preserving a local business and adding homes in this desirable location.

If you have a planning vision for a site within a conservation area or an area of special interest please get in touch. Often, with good design and an experienced planning team to support you, there is an opportunity for your redevelopment plans to be put forward.

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