Plans to reconfigure B&B to Flats and HMO in Banbury approved

Case Studies

Plans to reconfigure B&B to Flats and HMO in Banbury approved

Change of use plans were approved in November 2017 for the reconfiguration of an existing building, currently used as a bed and breakfast with two apartments, to create larger one bedroom apartments and a house of multiple occupation with nine bedrooms.

Through working with Architects KTech Techinical Drawings, ET Planning was able to submit plans to convert the building and justify the loss of commercial use.

The initial scheme included evidence to show the existing two apartments were already lawful, and therefore could be replaced. The proposal satisfied the Council, however before plans were approved, further configuration changes were needed to ensure the units met Building Regulations requirements.  Amendments were swiftly submitted, which were accepted and approved by Cherwell District Council under delegated powers.

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