Persistence pays off with double appeal win

Case Studies

Persistence pays off with double appeal win

Obtaining planning permission isn’t always easy, but where there’s a will, there’s a way.

An application for a replacement dwelling in Wokingham was first submitted by ET Planning on behalf of their client last year but was refused on the grounds that the desired Georgian style property was too large in scale. ET Planning appealed this decision however this appeal was dismissed, again referencing the scale of the development. A formal complaint was also made to the Planning Inspectorate regarding some material facts that they failed to take into account during the appeal assessment.

In order to address the refusal reasons, ET Planning worked with architects Martin Butler Partnerships who drew up new plans for a beautiful reduced property in a rural style. There proposals were then submitted to the Council as a new application and included a fallback argument for permitted development. The Council however did not take the permitted development fully into account and again refused the development. ET Planning continued to fight the case on behalf of their client and lodged a further appeal.

Given the earlier complaint, this time the Planning Inspector assessed the scheme in full and agreed with the fallback permitted development position presented, allowing the appeal. An incredible win for the client who now has a wonderful new home.

With the expertise of the ET Planning team, who are willing to fight for their clients, this resulted in a very positive outcome.

If you are struggling to get planning permission for your site approved, or would like the advice of an experienced planning team, please contact us today.

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