Green light given for agricultural barn plans in Maidenhead

Case Studies

Green light given for agricultural barn plans in Maidenhead

Plans for an agricultural barn, which will be built in the notoriously restrictive green belt area of Royal Borough of Windsor and Maindenhead, were approved for development in October 2017.


Through working with Architects Martin Butler Partnerships Ltd, ET Planning was able to prepare a set of plans detailing the proposed barn’s specifications and access needs which included an adequate hard-standing and vehicle turning space.


The plans offered justification for the size and height of the barn due to the required number of agricultural plant and machinery that would be stored in the building.


Green Belt planning approval is commonly difficult to gain and as such, the Council were initially concerned about the effect of the development on the openness of the area until a court of appeal case (reference C1/2015/1430) was submitted which led to an acceptance that agricultural proposals do not need to be assessed against the effect on openness.


Now that there is an agreed position regarding this development, and that subsequently the plans have been approved under delegated powers, the client will now have three years in which to commence development.


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