Enforcement investigation resolved after swift retrospective application

Case Studies

Enforcement investigation resolved after swift retrospective application

Thanks to prompt action taken by ET Planning, a detached dwelling in the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty has recently received retrospective planning permission after a previous approved permission was un-implementable.

After receiving planning permission for a single-storey front extension and part garage conversation last year, the owner undertook the development project. Part way through the construction, it was found that there was an increase in land levels of the garage and this had not been shown on previous architectural drawings and a new application was required to regularise the breach of planning control.

Following the resurveying of the site and working with newly appointed architects, Space Office Ltd, ET Planning was able to submit a retrospective application which included the correct site levels on the revised plans.

The approval ,which has now been received, has regularised the planning breach and will satisfy any legal enquiries in the future, such as when the house is sold.

South Oxfordshire District Council were able to approve the application under delegated powers as the proposal was similar to the one which had previously been agreed.

This resolution now allows the owner to complete the construction that had already begun.

If you have changing ground levels on your site and are seeking planning permission, topographical surveys can identify these levels ensuring appropriate and adequate architectural plans are put forward to the council. Please contact ET Planning for more information.

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