Conversion plans for Didcot home supports sustainable development

Case Studies

Conversion plans for Didcot home supports sustainable development

A house in a vibrant community within Didcot will soon undergo renovations to build a modest front extension and a two storey rear extension, enabling the house to be transformed into three one bedroom flats. This in turn will make the best use of an existing property, whilst also helping to support the housing supply need in the local area.

In support of this application, ET Planning was able to assure South Oxfordshire District Council that the proposal met the requirements of the local Development Plan.  The application also made reference that at the heart of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, and that the development included economic, environmental and social benefits. ET Planning went on to highlight that the Council did not have a current five year supply of housing and therefore, this application made a valuable contribution to the District’s housing stock.

With detailed plans prepared by KTech Technical Drawings, the development, which was approved last month, will be laid out over two floors; with two apartments situated on the ground floor, whilst a third apartment will be created on the upper floor. The new extensions will be built in keeping with the existing character of the property, and there will also be provision for extra parking.

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