Challenging CIL Liability

Case Studies

Challenging CIL Liability


Working out a CIL Liability is a really complicated process, and it’s not very easy. In the above video we look at the process of:

  • Collecting evidence;
  • Asking for a review; and,
  • How to Appeal

It’s really important that you do not start development until the appeal has concluded.

The first step is to get all available evidence regarding ‘in-use’ floor area; exemptions; and floor area calculations. We then send this evidence to the Charging Authority requesting a Regulation 113 Review. If the review doesn’t result in a change to the chargeable amount, the next step is to make a Regulation 114 Appeal to the Valuation Office Agency (VOA).

If you’d like more advice or professional help in challenging CIL Liability, please don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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