Appeal allowed for home extension in Eversley


Appeal allowed for home extension in Eversley

A two-storey rear extension to a home in Eversley has been permitted following an appeal submitted by ET Planning.

The refusal for the extension was received earlier this year from Hart District Council and focused on two predominant reasons. These being that the size and build of the extension would cause an overdevelopment of the site, and that the proximity and bulk of the extension would cause unacceptable impact on the neighbouring properties.

ET Planning reviewed the case and found that the Council’s report did not provide enough evidence to substantiate the reasons for refusal.

ET Planning submitted an appeal on behalf of the client and were able to invalidate the council’s claims. In response to the first claim, ET Planning referred to the Council Officer’s earlier report which stated that the development was not inappropriate for the area. The report also contradicted itself by stating that the “overall depth, scale and bulk would dominate the host dwellinghouse”, and also that the “design and appearance of the development is acceptable” and that the “application site is spacious“.

ET Planning also pointed out that the proposal would leave 70% of the plot undeveloped, thereby demonstrating that the extension would not cause an overdevelopment of the site.

In response to the second claim that there would be unacceptable impact on the neighbouring properties, ET Planning made reference again to the earlier officer report which confirmed that there was no objection to loss of light or amenities to either neighbour.

By providing evidence as part of the appeal ET Planning demonstrated that the proposed development was in fact making efficient use of land and would be in keeping with the character and appearance of the local area. The appeal was allowed.


ET Planning understands that receiving an unjustified planning refusal is both frustrating and unnerving – not knowing whether to take a case forward for appeal or not. As experienced planning consultants, ET Planning work with clients and their architects, providing advice and taking on the appeals process where necessary. If you have received a planning refusal and want to know what your options are, give ET Planning a call today on 01344 508048.

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