Appeal allowed and planning permission granted for Oxford HMO


Appeal allowed and planning permission granted for Oxford HMO

ET Planning, on behalf of their client, have won an appeal allowing a 3-bedroom family home in Oxford to be converted to a small HMO for 5 occupants.

After receiving a refusal for the planning application in July 2019, the client came to ET Planning seeking their advice and support.

The application was refused by Oxford City Council on the grounds that the parking provision would be a problem with an increased number of property occupants. The Council stated that there would need to be one parking space per bedroom.

As part of the appeal statement ET Planning argued that the parking standard in Oxford is the same for a Use Class C3 family house as it is for a Use Class C4 small HMO (for up to 6 people). The proposed change of use would therefore not increase the demand for parking. The proposal put forward also included cycle storage enough for 5 people which supports the sustainability objectives.

The appeal inspector also noted how sustainable the site was being close to excellent public transport links and shops.

The appeal inspectors report concluded: “the proposed development would not cause an unacceptable impact on highway safety in relation to off street parking provision. The proposal would, therefore not be in conflict with Policy CP1 and CP10 of the Oxford Local Plan (2005) which amongst other matters seek that development is acceptable in relation to parking and highway safety”.

With support from the Appeal Inspector, the appeal was allowed.

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