5 new houses in Hampshire countryside


5 new houses in Hampshire countryside

The subdivision of an existing property in Alresford has been backed by the local Council offering five new homes in a prime countryside location.

The subdivision of a large farmhouse into three will create more saleable properties in the current property market which not only increase profits for the client, but also supports the local Neighbourhood Plan.

A further win for the client was that the development fell outside the affordable housing threshold. An additional bonus was that ET Planning also ensured the Council understood that the existing floorspace would be reused, leading to a £0 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) bill.

A key principle of the planning application, put together and submitted by ET Planning, was that the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) makes provision for the sub-division of dwellings in countryside, among other acceptable circumstances for isolated rural dwellings. With the property situated in isolated countryside, but not within the green belt, it is important to make best use of the land and property available.

Two further properties on the site; holiday let cottages, also received certificates of lawfulness to become independent residential dwellings and are now immune from enforcement action.

Planning was granted by delegated decision by East Hampshire District Council.

For more information on how ET Planning can help you get planning permission in East Hampshire District Council, don’t hesitate to get in touch!

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