38 unit scheme submitted in South Buckinghamshire


38 unit scheme submitted in South Buckinghamshire

A scheme for a large residential development in Beaconsfield, South Buckinghamshire has been submitted by ET Planning.

ET Planning have been able to support their client, Shanly Group, to develop a proposal for a 38 unit development that firstly complies with the Development Plan. The emerging South Bucks & Chiltern Local Plan was withdrawn in October 2020 and the Planning Statement also argues that the proposal should be subject to the presumption in favour of sustainable development as the most important policies to determine the application are out of date, having regard to the recent Judgment in the case of Wavendon Properties Ltd v Secretary of State of Housing Communities And Local Government & Anor [2019] EWHC 1524 (Admin) (14 June 2019).

Site location for proposed 38 residential unit scheme

The planning proposal which has now been submitted to the council focuses on five key points. Firstly, that the proposed development is situated in a unique, sustainable location being sited near to the town centre and public transport links.

The proposal also demonstrates that this development would be an effective use of land which is currently under-utilised. The application also assists in helping to meet the local housing need through a development which can be delivered quickly and that provides good design sensitive to its surroundings.

The submission concludes that the Council are some way off from being able to remedy their existing shortfall in housing provision through the ‘plan-led’ system. This is an additional material consideration in favour of the grant of planning permission.

Given the current policy vacuum in respect of the Development Plan for South Buckinghamshire ET Planning are on hand to discuss the best planning strategy for your site. Whether this be an immediate planning application or a longer term land promotion as the newly formed Buckinghamshire Council begin work on developing their emerging Local Plan. Please contact us to discuss your planning vision.

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